Wing Chun Bing Fa Kung Fu Academy Presents......ALL YOU CAN EAT!!

Come and join Sifu, Si Mo and family to celebrate the end of the year Christmas at China Bar Signature.



Where: Saturday December 7th friends/family are welcome

Time:11:30am                                                                       Note-10am children’s class will run as normal. There will be no 11am class on this day.

Location: 222 Exhibition St (Corner Little Bourke and Exhibition St).



Kids 2-4-$10.00

Kids 4-9yrs-$25.00

Kids below 2yrs-Free.

Drinks not included. Hope you all can come!!

Book in now! Please pay before the day!

If you need to organize a payment plan just ask Si Mo is no problem!

                                    Be great to see you all there:)                         

9650 8280 -0421 809 462-0426 509 462