Wing Chun Bing Fa Kung Fu Academy Presents......ALL YOU CAN EAT!!
/Come and join Sifu, Si Mo and family to celebrate the end of the year Christmas at China Bar Signature.
Where: Saturday December 7th – friends/family are welcome
Time:11:30am Note-10am children’s class will run as normal. There will be no 11am class on this day.
Location: 222 Exhibition St (Corner Little Bourke and Exhibition St).
Kids 2-4-$10.00
Kids 4-9yrs-$25.00
Kids below 2yrs-Free.
Drinks not included. Hope you all can come!!
Book in now! Please pay before the day!
If you need to organize a payment plan just ask Si Mo is no problem!
Be great to see you all there:)
9650 8280 -0421 809 462-0426 509 462